11/13/22 - Sunday Stitches Week 11

Posted by Heidi Henrichs on

It feels good to be back in the saddle.....and, so good to stitch this week's stitches!!!  Really happy I stitched all of these earlier in the week because last night I closed the car door on 3 of my fingers on my left hand, and yes, I am left handed!!  Nothing is broken, but suffice to say, I will not be stitching today!!  Enough about me, today we are wrapping up Chapter 1 Balanced Stitches.  Let's get started......

Triple Alternating Nobuko - page 58

I don't know about you, but the traditional Nobuko stitch is a hard one for me as I can't seem to grasp the pattern.  Therefore, I was hesitant when I tried this stitch.  Surprisingly, I was able to stitch this one with ease.  This was stitched on 13 mesh (along with all the stitches this week) with Pepper Pot.  Since the stitch is over 3 canvas threads, it is not a small stitch, but with the small repeat, it could be used in small/medium size areas along with backgrounds.  

Triple Alternating Nobuko with Accents - page 59

This stitch is the same as the above stitch except the middle section is filled in with tent stitches (accent).  I love how this stitch looks.  It is stitched using Pepper Pot for base stitch and Essentials for the fill in tent stitches.  It would be great using tone on tone theads with the base thread in silk/wool/floss and use a sparkly thread for the accent stitches (tent stitches).  In addition, you can use two colors (one lighter and one darker) as shown in the picture.  It would make a great background stitch on a Christmas canvas using Red/White or Green/White combo.  In addition, it would be great using an Overdyed thread for the background.....Threadworx Overdyed Floss has some great Christmas threads (e.g. red/white or red/green combos).  Lastly, you could adjust this stitch for larger areas by adding one stitch to both Nobuko and tent - make it as large as you want!

Weaving Stitches - page 60

This is my favorite stitch this week!!!  But I have to be honest, I was dreading stitching it!!  Mary recommends to only use a single ply when stitching which I 100% agree with this suggestion.  When I went to stitch this, I decided to use Essentials (light and dark pink) as I thought if I used a single strand of a strandable thread it would not show up well in the pics.  I was surprised at how easy it was to stitch with Essentials and loved the texture it produced.  This is a great stitch for backgrounds and areas which you want the beatiful painted to show.  While it is hard to see in the pic, I love the texture of this stitch.....promise me you will try it!!!


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  • I love these stitches and especially that they are from Mary’s book, i can’t wait to try them. Hope your fingers are feeling much better!

    Sherry on
  • Hope your fingers are getting better. Thanks for posting this week as I have missed your posts. Take care❤️

    Martha Tyndall on
  • Hope your fingers heal quickly. Lee

    Eleanor Slane on

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